Sunday 27 April 2014

Terrifying month

I’m living a really complicated month because I have to do the selectivity exam. Those exams are very important for my future because it’ll allow me to enter to university and it depending on the mark I will be able to choose one or another degree.
I don’t know yet what degree to choose. I’ve liked Optics and Optometry for two years. But some people advice to study education, as they say that children are my devotion. I’m so confusing. I don’t know what  I want.

I only know that I would like to go to  Madrid to study as. I would like to live there and start a new life with new people.

So, my future is uncertain, however, I hope I can continue with my student life. I can close my eyes and imagine catching the underground every day to go to university or cooking in the kitchen of my apartment with one or two more students, I also hope to meet new people, know new places and live the life.


 All of this may be my new life but, now I have to get a grip on reality and finish my studies, pass the selectivity and go on. I expect I can finish this month as soon and well as possible.


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