Saturday 5 April 2014

One letter to Sara

Hi Sara,
I just receive your letter. I don’t believe that at last you open a restaurant. I I’m really happy! I'd love to talk to you and we make update. I’m very busy but I will try to receive you in two weeks. What do you think? This weekend I’m going to have my house free.

I was thinking and I suggest you to contact with some friends by Facebook and ask them if you could go to see what they cook in the typical days.

Last Monday my cousins and I went to a near restaurant called ‘’La Trinca’’ and the food was really good. We can go! As they have full of decorations that it would be used for your restaurant.

I have a bad news in relation to your inauguration, I think that we can’t come, because I have an important wedding. I’m so sorry in spite of we will go another weekend.

I hope that the restaurant has a lot of people. I strongly believe that you restaurant go on and reach the top.

Lots of love,

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