Saturday 26 April 2014

Paris to tourists: Stop locking down love

This new of the BBC written by Kim Laidlaw talks about the locks of the Pont des Arts Bridge.
The pilgrimageof the couples has converted in an actual controversy in Paris because the city is divided in two: ones think that they should stop putting locks and the others think that they must keep doing this. 

The first’s ones think that because the architects say that the bridge has too much weight because of the padlocks. For this reason the hall is introducing steps for not to put more locks in the bridge. 

As I said before many people agree with this, moreover they find it’s a waste of time and it’s an eyesore for the culture. In my point of view I’m with the other half, this has to live on but if it’s damaging the structure of the bridge, why don’t we start another one? Or simpler, Why not to reinforce it?


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