Saturday, 30 November 2013

Children learn sexism at school

Nearly 1,300 girls, some as young as seven, took part in the survey, and come from every part of the country and each social class. 

Even more shocking, perhaps, is the fact that much of the harassment (from sexual jokes or taunts, to unwanted sexual attention, touching or images that made them uncomfortable) happens at school, because there aren't parents, sick with fear over the new dangers of the internet or the increased sexualisation of music videos or films. More than a third of girls over the age of seven have been made to feel stupid because of their gender. 

About a fifth of the 50,000 entries to the Everyday Sexism Project so far come from young girls. Just look at the website to find examples from the tsk-inducing to the heartbreaking. The ability to use those images to harass and harm must also have gone up too. The curriculum for sex education in schools hasn't changed in 14 years and makes little attempt to include the internet. Girlguiding UK is the sort of association that Gove and the coalition should love.

In my opinion, it's an excellent idea changing the curriculum for sex educaction, because nowadays youngsters are aware that this is happening but don't know the reasons or what to do if they find themselves in that kind of situation.

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