Thursday 8 May 2014

Electrical devices ‘disrupt birds navigation’

According to the article ‘Electrical devices disrupt bird navigation’ published this May on bbc, electrical devices may disrupt the migrations of some birds. A group of scientist state that weak electromagnetic fields produced by equipment plugged into mains electricity interfere with the animals. 

In addition, this study has been published in the journal Nature which has a deep impact in knowledge. It’s known that some birds perform remarkable feats of navigation, migrating half way around the world. It is thought that birds are helped by the magnetic field. The study says that low frequency waves could interfere that migration of some birds. Lots of experiments have been done from more than 40 years to demonstrate it. Scientist do not yet understand how a bird’s magnetic works. This group of researches still have to study more about birds and their behaviour.

To sum up, this kind of works are useful and very interesting to improve and understand birds and other animals, In my opinion, I absolutely agree with these types of investigations. Science is a strong tool to know more about us and our environment.

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