Sunday 11 May 2014

What does this photo transmits to me?

It’s a landscape of a small village and its views. The village is between the sea and the fields.  At the top of the picture we can see the white clouds and the blue sky. At the bottom we can see the shadows of the trees and the green lands. In the centre we can admire the small village and more green lands and trees.

The water is so blue that makes me feel free as it seems not to have limits of ending. The clouds have its figures that seem elastic beds for jumping in them once, twice and more, and more without stopping. The sky is so neat that I envy the birds just right now. Could you imagine flying in that sky? It could be awesome. What to say about that land? Its green hypnotizes me in a world of tranquillity as if it weren’t anything to do. Just free of the entire things that annoys you. And finally, what introduces in my body that small and sweet village. It’s so cute that reminds me my childhood. The colourful houses painted in red and white recalls all those moments when I was playing with my toys. 

It’s a picture that transmits me all different kinds of emotions, from freedom to my childhood. It’s a very beautiful landscape to disconnect from all the problems in your life, to remind old thoughts and to call to mind that you are free to do and to be what and where you want. 

Saturday 10 May 2014

Summary of Deadlock

Bom Bom was a man who was a hockey player but because of his shattered ankle had to let this sport and start in a company called Eudora Grain Company. When he had found dead, his cousin, Vic, makes whatever to know something about his dead. It’s said that he fall down in the water in a wet day in the wharf but Vic doesn’t believe that he fell down being a hockey player. So she starts to speak with people and investigate whatever to know more as she is a detective. As she start to speak with people, she start to go the places where Bom Bom had been, for example, his house, his office… many successful things had happened too… A ship has crashed into the Wharf, The watchman of the apartment where Bom Bom lives found dead too in the apartment of him and Vic had been in an ambush between too lorries.

Vic goes to Philips home for more information and there found his wife. After the meeting she goes back home but after she meets with Grafalk because she was looking his house. They entered in his house and talk a little bit.  Next day Vic takes a flight and goes to Toronto, where she can takes the Lucella. Then she can interview the sailors calmly. After, an explosion hits the ship. After the tragedy Vic goes to the airport and flight back to Chicago. Vic goes to speak to Paige to know more about her and Bom Bom. Paige doesn’t want to tell her anything that Vic has to leave her without any information. She goes to Bom Boms apartment and takes something to her house. Once she’s at home she found some important papers back to the photo of her graduation. Those papers has a different amount of money that the files that had given the secretary to her before. Then she goes to speak with Martin and found dead Phillips. After the meeting Vic takes the conclusion that between the company of Grafalk and Martin were a business of buying and selling boats. This is the why of many events like the explosion of the ship, the deads…

At finally She keep investigating the case till the conclusion, Grafalk has been the main troublemaker of the crime because his company was losing money and because of the lies and problems that his “friend” had told to him.

The main aspects to see in a person

The other day one friend asked me one interesting question: What is more important for you the physical appearance in a boy or girl friend or the personal qualities?

First of all, in my opinion I must say that when you have a boy/girl friend is because you appreciate high all his/her way of being, personal qualities, physical appearance… But, is true that there are aspects in which you look over by certain reasons depending on the person.

On the one hand, I am going to talk about the importance of personal qualities and the way of being of your boy/girl friend. These aspects are the most important if he/she likes you by his/her physical appearance. The way of being of one person is the most important for one relationship, because, apart of the physical appearance, this is why a boy/girl likes you and catches your intention, because you always look for someone who is good person, sincere, that inspires you confidence, that is lovely... However, all these aspects are subordinated to the physical appearance, because you look for these important aspects one person first must like you and not vice versa.

On the other hand, is true that when you meet someone for first time, are not the personal qualities in which you look at, as you look is if that person is lovely and if he/she has a great body. Once this is accomplished, you intend to check everything said in the last paragraph.

Finally, say that in my opinions both, the physical appearance and the personal qualities, have the same importance, but personal qualities come after that physical appearance.

Friday 9 May 2014

Hunger in the world

First of all, the problem of hunger in the world could be solved, can give a lot to talk about depending the position you take, in addition, you could think the two things at once.

   In one hand, you can take a critical position and thinking that all the people who live in Africa and around the world who are poor, in the future they will be being poor. That you think that posture it´s not a stupidity, because in the world are living in the poverty two millions of people and it´s impossible that all the population eat the same amount of food and living in the same conditions and with the same opportunities; for example, the Africa´s continent never will be like Europe or north America.

   On the other hand, you can believe (or rather you want) the poverty in the world can be solved, but it´s possible that if you think that opinion you don´t know how. I believe we must give part of own food to the poor countries, give as a lot of money, eliminate the dangerous terrorist groups, and allow them come to our developed country…

   These two opinions are dangerous because could divide the population and because we have to think that the Earth´s population is growing exponentially; and per year is expected to grow 100 million people more, which we will have to feed, and in my opinion there aren´t enough  food for all.


In conclusion, in my opinion the hunger in the world couldn´t be solved.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Electrical devices ‘disrupt birds navigation’

According to the article ‘Electrical devices disrupt bird navigation’ published this May on bbc, electrical devices may disrupt the migrations of some birds. A group of scientist state that weak electromagnetic fields produced by equipment plugged into mains electricity interfere with the animals. 

In addition, this study has been published in the journal Nature which has a deep impact in knowledge. It’s known that some birds perform remarkable feats of navigation, migrating half way around the world. It is thought that birds are helped by the magnetic field. The study says that low frequency waves could interfere that migration of some birds. Lots of experiments have been done from more than 40 years to demonstrate it. Scientist do not yet understand how a bird’s magnetic works. This group of researches still have to study more about birds and their behaviour.

To sum up, this kind of works are useful and very interesting to improve and understand birds and other animals, In my opinion, I absolutely agree with these types of investigations. Science is a strong tool to know more about us and our environment.