Friday 21 February 2014

Research project: The chromatography of vegetal pigment

Key words: stationary phase, mobile phase, chromatogram, mixture, laboratory, analytical chromatography...

This research work is based on chromatography. This is a technique for the separation of mixtures through which it’s possible to separate all components. The mixture we want to separate is put in the stationary phase, meanwhile the mobile phase, which is a gas or a liquid, sweeps the mixture along with different velocities, causing this way the separation. We can see the different components thanks to the marks in the chromatogram.

Practice in the laboratory consists of investigating witch dissolvent or mobile phase is better in our laboratory. Once know the dissolvent (eter the petrol-acetona) we could separate various samples of vegetable pigments with chromatography of paper and thin layer chromatography.

Chromatography is used in all kind of science ambits being also useful to separate between samples of vegetable pigments to the investigation of a soft-drink component or for toxics elements in blood.

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