Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Mobile World Congress: Who's wearing wearable tech?

Barcelona became the biggest world show about mobile technology from 25th  to 27th  of February. In this congress we could find all types of new technology, from different kind of smartphones to intelligent cars. 

There were interesting things like the Fitbit Flex and Google Glasses that many experts said that it’s going to be the future, Sony Smartwatch is another object that could be the new wristwatch owing to the fact that we can see our notifications and messages in the same time. Moreover, we use that as a phone and we can take it anywhere. Or Mirama smart glasses operating system that will be the product which we can use our hands to interact with virtual objects.

In other words, we can say that the technologies improving every day. It is like a competition, when a country or a business suggests a new object, we change the era. We can see this, with the tablets. Once a man invented them, firstly no one wanted them but when the time passes, a few people bought them to try these new machines, they began to spread that they work well. After that, people wanted to buy them desperately. So different companies began to create this equipment, but always with a small difference. But, meanwhile, other firms start copying and this creates new technological machines. That’s why all is a wheel.

To sum up, the technology doesn’t have a limit and everyday things are invented and copied. Until arrive the moment when the consumer can choose the best product for him arrives.  People always buy what others have!


Sunday, 23 February 2014

Research work: Chromatography

In this term we had to explain our research work. My research work talks about the Chromatography; it’s a topic cent per cent scientific where there are many technique words. 

It wasn’t too difficult to choose what to say because I recently had presented in my language, but what was difficult was to translate it. 

At the time to present it I knew perfectly what to say but at the time to explain it, I came upon with the words. When I see the video I recognize that I was sure of what to say but that I need more fluency. I was quite nervous because I wanted my project to be understood. 

In the theoretical part I saw the paper a little bit but in the practice one I gather my courage and I let the papers on the table and I started to explain the best I could do by my own.

In this last part, I improvise a little bit but I prefer to do it like this than to do it like a robot.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Research project: The chromatography of vegetal pigment

Key words: stationary phase, mobile phase, chromatogram, mixture, laboratory, analytical chromatography...

This research work is based on chromatography. This is a technique for the separation of mixtures through which it’s possible to separate all components. The mixture we want to separate is put in the stationary phase, meanwhile the mobile phase, which is a gas or a liquid, sweeps the mixture along with different velocities, causing this way the separation. We can see the different components thanks to the marks in the chromatogram.

Practice in the laboratory consists of investigating witch dissolvent or mobile phase is better in our laboratory. Once know the dissolvent (eter the petrol-acetona) we could separate various samples of vegetable pigments with chromatography of paper and thin layer chromatography.

Chromatography is used in all kind of science ambits being also useful to separate between samples of vegetable pigments to the investigation of a soft-drink component or for toxics elements in blood.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Why are dinosaurs so interesting today?

Dinosaurs are a class of vertebrates that lived on earth during the period known as the Mesozoic, for about 160 years millions. The truth is we do not know much about this type of vertebrates, but we do know, thanks to fossil discoveries, that there were many kinds and sizes, but all disappeared in a more or less short period of time, and it is thought that it was provoked by the same cause or causes.

Their way of life, related to how big and strong they were and that both the terrestrial and the marine or aerial disappearances of a sudden, all that is what makes your research and news related to them so interesting to society today. Scientists and historians will wonder what could have happened to all the creatures that inhabited the earth disappear, because if they suddenly disappeared, we also could not disappear?

Dinosaurs are interesting to us because, after its extinction, the earth tilts never returned to have animals of this size. So, changed the history of the earth making us reflect on that neither the size nor the technologies can prevent what will happen on earth. Every fossil found these, we are surprised by the variety of species that were and neither could last until our days. They are so interesting because our species and most of the existing ones would not exist today had it not been for the purpose of dinosaurs, due to its large size, we would not have been able to compere or survive with them.

At present, there have been many films and stories of all types of dinosaurs trying to give an explanation to their lifestyle and their extinction, since it represented a major change in the history of the earth.