Saturday 1 March 2014

Ukraine crisis: Crimea sites controlled by armed troops

Russia pacts with Crimea to deploy military to strengthen their position in the Peninsula

Axionov assured that the Crimea’s Government “would guarantee every citizen, regardless of their national origin, a real and fair approach to problem solving. I assure you that you have nothing to fear about”, said, referring to the Ukrainian and Tatar minorities living in the peninsula on the Black Sea. He added that "all that is happening today is within the law, with the approval of all bodies that have competence in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.”

Crimea's government refuses, however, to seek independence from Ukraine and stresses that its goal is that the peninsula is "a real autonomous republic within Ukraine», with the expansion of its powers. 

 In my opinion, all that is happening in Ukraine is a disgrace, and any news concerning this isn't good news unless it says that everything is over. 


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