Friday, 17 January 2014

The beauty of life

The other day, in language class we had to do a composition about ‘’what is the beauty of life?’’ and I think that it is a good question. Have you ever really stopped for a second just to admire the beauty in everything around you?

On one hand for me nature is wonderful. Go to the mountain or the forest and listen to the birds or smell the wet leaves, these are the small things that make me happy. When I’m stressed or I can’t see the best way in life, sometimes I go there and I stretch out and I just watch the clouds how they cross the sky. 

Or other example can be the family, personally the family is the most important thing in this lifespan and when I stay with them I’m very happy. Recently, I and my mum went out of our street and we saw two rabbits playing and jumping on the land. We looked at each other the same time and laughed. That laugh was happiness. 

From my point of view people don’t take into account the little things or closer things the best ones. People live the life and that’s all. Basically people grow up and wait for the life to pass: firstly they go to the school, after go to high school and then it’s time to choose a degree or work. After that we get together with other people and we have children… For these people life is mechanical. And we never think what makes us happy. For this reason, in my opinion, we should think of it. Although people seem to be happy, and this is important.  

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
Robert Frost

“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.”
Allen Saunders

Save your sanity for less

This video explains that we can’t think clearly when we are tired or running down.  In UK a 40% of the employees worked harder than the other year and a 53% of the employee said that they did the work of the other employee. In Mexico, South Korea and Chile are the best workers wold wide and in US a 65% the employees have stress because of the work.

A lot of people don’t have money or time but, nevertheless people have to take care their health. One think you can do for less than you think is yoga, it doesn’t cost too much and you can do it by yourself.  But wherever you go, always request for a discount.  Another think you can do it take a massage, go to the gym, to a sauna…  But remember to choose a good place empty of peace and calm. 

Those things are possibilities to disconnect from the work and the world. They are cheaper and they are healthy for your sanity. So you know, take a rest and practise yoga. In my case, I do swimming and I go once a week to do swimming, it’s one of the best things to get away from that surrounds me.

Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. Then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn't enjoy the present: the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived. Delai Lama

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Will drones become the future of farming?

Pilotless drones have had the biggest impact on the battlefield, serving as eyes in the sky and even as attack aircraft. But could they find another role, helping farmers boost food production?
“Drones” are probably the most advanced equipment in the field of robotics, aeronautics and electronics. The technical name of drones is “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” . They are aerial vehicles which come in wide varieties of sizes, shapes and functions, which are controlled either by remote or control systems from the ground. They are generally used to carry out tasks in which manned flight is considered to be risky. Drones mostly find use in military services to spying or to protect.

These machines are too expensive, but scientists are trying to use these drones for agriculture. For example, GPS-guided tractors to automated milking machines. These farmers can make their job faster and more controlled, in fact they can produce more nourishment.

In my opinion, these drones have some advantages: are good for helping the farmers because this is a job where they have to work with the whole body and is very tired. Furthermore, drones could help people in other tasks such as finding missing people or spying traffic violation. But drones have its drawbacks. These engines could spy on our private life: spying a birthday in the garden or a naked bath in our swimming pool