Friday 4 October 2013

E-mail to the teacher

Hi Elisabeth,
I’m Elisabet Dalmau and I have 18 years old. I’m very friendly, likeable and really very extroverted but also quite obstinate. People say that I look like my mother. I have a sister called Laia and this year is in first of Batxillerat. Usually, I’m a good student, but it’s hard for me to learn languages. This is a specific thing that has marked my life. I’ve been sick since one year ago, I’m very glad to be here because last year I couldn’t go to the high school. However, I didn’t give up on myself and now I’m going to meet my goals.

Even though, I have some dreams as all people have. A year ago I wanted to have good marks, a new phone and some other daily things. Though, at present, I only want health and not to have pain, have a graduate Batxillerat, pass the selectivity and spend as much time as possible with my family. Nowadays, I wish more valuable things. My long-term goals are to have a degree, a permanent relationship and get the official FCE. I think that I don’t demand a lot, but for me it is enough. I hope to succeed in having my own family with a lot of children, have a big beautiful house and, above all, be healthy and have peace. What I will do to reach my goals is to require a lot of effort from myself, think more than twice what I’m going to do and choose the correct way and moreover listen to my heart. I think the person who will help me more than anyone else is my mother, because she is very strong and she wants the best for me. From my point of view she will never let me down.

The best person who chooses the correct ideas in the correct moment is Obama. I love the sentence which says: ‘’No one’s written your destiny for you’’.  This awesome phrase remembers me that anyone has to say you what to do. You have to do what you want in every moment. But also as you don’t have a written destiny, you can always choose it. I never have to depend on other people to be the person I really desire to be. You always will have the possibility to choose, don’t forget it.

I hope you like my story and my goals. Do you agree with me in the Obamas sentence?
Thank you very much teacher. =)

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